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Ubiquiti R5AC-LITE
Normal Status Lights

Description & Suggested Action
POWERLITThe Power LED will light Blue when the device is connected to a power source
LANSOLID/FLASHINGThe LAN LED will light steady Blue when an active Ethernet connection is made to the LAN port and flash when there is activity
SIGNALIn airOS you can modify the wireless signal strength threshold values for each LED on the Wireless tab under Signal LED Thresholds. Each LED will light when the wireless signal strenght is equal to or greater than the LED's threshold value
GPSSOLIDthe GPS LED will be stady blue when the GPS signal strength is sufficient. This requires a minimum of three satellite connections

For more information or to have your device listed please contact Infotel Systems

The Story Behind "Status Lights"

Infotel Systems . 6008 Hermitage Rd . Richmond, Virginia 23228

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